domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

Databases, Are easy or not?
Its talking about the esence  of databases that will be possible to answer the question above.

In simple words, a database can be considered as a gathering of any kind of data such files, names, magazines, etc. In fact, magazines databases are the most common of  those  that the university Eafit owns.

If anybody wants to access to anyone database standing outside the university must check if is alowed to use it trough the "remote access" or shall acess inside the university. The most of this databases do not permit the remote access,  nevetheless there are at least three with a enable remote acess wich names are PROQUEST, EBSCO and ISI.

So, is it easy or not?
Some people is nowadays reluctant to use them but there are reasons driven by a logic that make them  to reject them:
1. Some of the people is not aware of the digital revolution of the information and how accesible is it by one click.
2. There are some which simply are not interested bacause of the age 
3. Some whom are open to learn about them, feel disconcerted once the search become hard.
The problem is not, in my opinion, to think how easy or not is it to use but to consider  how really easy and good is for the effective and  improved way of learning anything you want because it is not peace of cake nor the Vietnam war

To consider the wider disemination of sucesful use of data bases, it is necesary that the different schoolars boost  the interest to aproach to them taking care that there are several databases hard to use which could limit the will of the students to learn about so a good beginning could be GOOGLE SCHOLAR which  despite not being a data base is a kind of advance search engine.

From a different point of view, tgere is new data base which name is "Yomidas Rekishikan" and serves as an information data base of the a newspaper of Japan since 1874 which name is Yomiuri Shimbun. THe aim is that anybody who wants to find information about the country during the lattest 135 years can accesss to this one and will find information about the language, culture, history and contemporary topics.


1. Base de datos con los 135 años de artículos del Yomiuri :[1]. (26  February). PR Newswire en Español (South America),***[insert pages]***.  Retrieved March 8, 2009, from ProQuest Asian Business and Reference database. (Document ID: 1651897221).
2. Badke, W. (2009, January). Professors and Personal Information Literacy. Online33(1), 47-49. Retrieved March 8, 2009, from Business Source Premier database.