miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009


The presentation gave us a perspective of the japanese management model applied not just there but also arround the world because of the succesfull developed by several companies.

the presentation exposed a kind of parallel comparing the korean and the japanese one in terms of management.

The similarities are among others; the cost reductions, the work in groups and its harmony.
Are the different management models suitable to the public sector?

Not just suitable but also copied trough the new public management NPM with great sucess and long term support.In fact, the evolution of NPM in Japan has been applied by the public sector and private as well.

Nakamura, M. (2004, Winter2004). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN JAPAN: CURRENT ISSUES.Corporate Ownership & Control1(2), 38-52. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Business Source Premier database.

Expatriates and migrant workers

The presentation about expatriates and migrant workers was a really great oportunity to get an approach of the current situation and understanding of the topic which concerns  to the dynamic of globalization in our days as a reality that urges to be analized.

as one of the speaker said, the definition of the topic is basically "the movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up permanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary."
there are several kinds of migration like the internal migrat., external migra., immigration and emigration, population transfer,  impelled migration, step migration, chain migration, return migration and seasonal migration.
There were also described the people that decide to migrate.

How the cultural shock of the migration can affects inhabitants of a nation?

It is not a secret that the migration affects the way of lives of the nationals of a country in the way that alter the situation in economic terms, cultural terms,  political terms and  social terms.
In fact there are evidences that the situation can adress the suicide by the migrants esentially because of the abandon suffered.


Borges, G., Breslau, J., Su, M., Miller, M., Medina-Mora, M., & Aguilar-Gaxiola, S. (2009, April). Immigration and Suicidal Behavior Among Mexicans and Mexican Americans. American Journal of Public Health99(4), 728-733. Retrieved April 9, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.