domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

The presentation was very clear, great and full of new things to learn about this amazing country.
THey remarked the totalitarian history of the country driven by rigids political tools with the result of human rights violations.
Theytold us  as well about the  situation of the country in terms of commerce, exports, dumping, low salaries and child labor among others.
It is one of the countries that most has influenced the development and increase of the capitalism with a "less poor every day" policy which is supported by the rich people paying more taxes.
In the other hand the country maintains a restrictive policy of minimizing the bad national news looking for the defense of the socialism.

a video to introduce us in the country:

The question:
Is there a kind of contradiction among the open of the country in trade terms but not in political terms?...why?

For most politicians of the world China represent if not a threat, a difficult point to develop the campaigns  promises but it is not for free that China maintains a rigid foreign policy. The bombing of the chinese embassy in Belgrade in 1999 led to a deterioration , by instance, of the realtions among USA and  China.
The other issue by which China is very rigid is because Taiwan represents a potential argument for other countries for a diplomatic  fight with China.
Finally, it is obvious that the region is mainly represented by China for being the potence in trade, economic success and even in social terms.


International relations and defence. (2009, December). Country Profile. China, Retrieved May 14, 2009, from Business Source Premier database. 

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