viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009


the mates made a deep presentation of the continent focusing in the music which was a particular idea to present the continent.
They talked about the history, area and off cours, music, was really great“
Juan Manuel teach us about Mozart, Haydn and  Beethoven among others.
They also talked about thedifferent periods of European music: classical period (1750-1825) and romantic period (1815-1910)
In the historic context they presented us a briefly history about Greece,  Holy roman empire, British empire,  Roman empire
I think that it is interesting this different view of the old continent. It gives us another perspective of what that part of the world has contributed to the humanity and not necessarily in terms of wars or economic facts. Culture was prevailed in this presentation and I applaud being diverse when approaching a subject that is commonly seen as boring due to the heavy facts that it involves.
Nevertheless, it was also important that they mentioned the European Union, the economic and political union of 27 member states, located primarily in Europe that was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November 1993.

the question:
Has failed management model of Europe?

“Europeaninfluenced ways of thinking” has failed and that organizations, comercial and public, should embrace the leadership principles of other cultures,notably “black, Latino, and American Indian leadership techniques.”

Before continuing, I want to clarify that I believe the Servant-Leadership approach should be incorporated into the leadership principles of every organization. At its core, as I understand it, is the principle that when the individual is empowered, the organization will be most successful. I do not understand it to mean that everyone does his or her own thing and everything will be great.


Ashcraft, M. (2009, April). REFLECTING BACK IS GOOD. Public Management (00333611)91(3), 3-4. Retrieved May 19, 2009, from Business Source Premier database.

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